About Us

EWA is a nonprofit journalism organization funded in part by grants from leading foundations, seminar sponsorships, and individual donations. EWA maintains editorial control over all its programs and services.

Our Mission

EWA’s mission is to strengthen the community of education writers and improve the quality of education coverage to better inform the public.

As the professional organization of members of the media who cover education at all levels, EWA has worked for more than 75 years to help journalists get the story right.

Today, EWA has more than 2,000 members benefiting from our high-quality programs, training, information, support, and recognition.


The need for top-notch coverage of education is more pressing than ever.

Caught between eroding business models and an accelerating news cycle, today’s reporters, editors, and other media professionals need a community of colleagues to help them tell stories that make a difference. EWA is that community.

EWA is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our tax ID # is 23-7439790. Publicly available financial data may be found at GuideStar.


Learn About EWA

See a timeline of EWA's history.

Foundation support helps EWA grow.

Meet our board of directors and committees.

What We Do

Benefiting from the vision of a dynamic board of directors, EWA is reinvigorating long-standing services while opening new avenues for members to connect, learn, and access individual assistance.

Help You Do Your Job

Webinars, blogs, videos, podcasts, e-newsletters, and email listservs are among the ways EWA knits together the community that cares about high-quality education coverage.

Advance Journalism

The National Awards for Education Reporting, an annual contest, recognizes excellence in all types of media, including through the Fred M. Hechinger Grand Prize for Distinguished Education Reporting.


Our public editor provides free, confidential help with reporting, writing, and editing to hundreds of journalists each year.

Fund Reporting

Reporters can secure financial support and other assistance for journalism projects aimed at producing in-depth coverage of critical issues in education.


Our professional gatherings include the National Seminar, an annual conference on covering education from cradle to career for hundreds of journalists, education experts, newsmakers, and others. The annual Higher Education Seminar focuses on postsecondary education, while other gatherings throughout the year offer training and information on a range of timely topics in both education and journalism.


We extend eligibility for membership both to working journalists and to others interested in advancing high-quality coverage of education. Members in the journalist category produce independent news media products for digital and print newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and other journalism outlets. Community members include advocates, authors, communications officers, educators, and researchers, among others.
