Educated Reporter

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Educated Reporter

A student reporter and journalism professionals share tips on how to better collaborate, especially during campus protests....
Using the fifth-largest school district as a case study, learn what to ask when reporting on the fallout of a data breach. ...
What lessons did teachers and researchers learn about ed tech during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as AI use grows? Experts explain and help reporters bette...
Learn about societal and systemic issues that are keeping students from advancing in math and embracing the subject from an early age. ...
Learn how to go beyond daily reporting on political extremism in public schools, and report meaningful stories that bring real impact....
What does it take to run a public school, especially when challenges arise? Learn from principals who have tackled everything from chronic absenteeism to studen...
Researchers and an educator provide fresh story angles, statistics and sources to better cover the teacher workforce. ...
Undocumented students graduating high school are facing barriers to higher education. Here’s what reporters should know to better cover this student group. ...
Get tips for overcoming challenges when reporting on complex school funding systems. Connect the dots between state laws and practices that could impact equity ...