EWA Awards
EWA's National Awards for Education Reporting
The National Awards for Education Reporting advance education journalism by recognizing the field’s very best efforts. Organized by the Education Writers Association, the awards’ goals are to:
- Encourage and inspire more and better education journalism;
- Underscore the importance of excellent coverage and storytelling as a cornerstone of education and democracy.
All full-time and freelance reporters may participate in the awards. So whether your work appeared in print or online, on TV or the radio, or all of the above, we’re eager to recognize excellence on the education beat. We have made some changes to the awards, so please check those out.
Awards: Quick Facts & Rules
- Early Bird Discount: $75 for members and $125 for nonmembers to enter the awards until Dec. 18, 2024 at 6 p.m. Eastern.
- Regular Price: $125 for members and $175 for nonmembers until Jan. 8, 2025 at 6 p.m. Eastern. Student members pay $25.
- Membership Deadline: Apply for membership by Dec. 4 to be eligible for the Early Bird Discount, or become a member by Dec. 20 to be eligible for the Regular Price membership discount.
- First, read our rules and FAQs. Next, create an account, and submit your entry here.
Have any questions? Email awards@ewa.org
What is the latest date for entering?
All entries must be completed before 6 p.m. Eastern on Jan. 8, 2025.
Please note: Entries submitted by 6 p.m. Eastern on Dec. 18, 2024 are charged $75 for members and $125 for nonmembers. Fees increase to $125 for members and $175 for non-members after 6 p.m. Dec. 18, 2024 until the Jan. 8, 2025 deadline. Student journalists pay $25.
Membership deadline: If you are not an EWA journalist or student member and decide to join to receive the awards discount, apply for membership by Dec. 4 to be eligible for the Early Bird Discount and Dec. 20 to be eligible for the Regular Price membership discount.
Are the fees per article or per entry?
The payment is per entry, not per article. For example, if a category permits up to three articles or pieces, and you submit three articles for that entry, you pay a $75 early bird fee for members or $125 early bird for nonmembers.
May I send my payment for entry later?
No. We only accept credit card payments. If there are extenuating circumstances, email awards@ewa.org to make a request.
May I take back an entry I submitted? What about a refund?
Once an entry is submitted, you cannot delete it, nor can we refund your application fee.
I joined EWA one day before the deadline, and I haven’t heard back. What happens?
To receive the member discount, entrants must adhere to EWA’s deadlines for membership.
Membership Deadlines:
- Early bird: Become a member by Dec. 4 to receive the discount.
- Regular price: Become a member by Dec. 20 to pay this fee.
If you’re a nonmember thinking about entering EWA and want to save money, we highly recommend joining EWA sooner rather than later. At times, it takes a week for our membership coordinator to review your application, so applying with enough time for this process is important.
What is the latest date for entering?
All entries must be completed before 6 p.m. Eastern on Jan. 8, 2025.
Is there a limit to the number of entries I may submit?
No, but each entry requires its own entry fee and entry form. Also remember, no story can be submitted in more than one category, with the exception of beat reporting.
What if I want to submit something from a previous employer?
If you’re entering work from a previous employer, please be sure to note that in your entry letter. You can enter it in the category size for your former employer – unless you are submitting an entry for beat reporting, and it includes stories from both your former employer and your current one. Then the category size entered must match the larger news organization.
May one person with a media outlet create entries on behalf of other staff members?
May freelance journalists enter?
Yes, as long as they meet EWA’s definition of “journalist,” as defined in EWA Bylaws, Article II, Section 1.1.
Eligible journalists are defined as: “individuals whose primary professional activities involve reporting, writing, producing, editing, or otherwise preparing the news and editorial content of independent news media products. The definition of journalist also includes freelancers whose primary body of work is for independent news media, staffers at press associations or journalism education associations, journalism instructors, and journalism students.”
In categories with newsroom size subcategories, freelancers must enter according to the newsroom size of the organization that published their story. Please verify the size of the newsroom with the organization.
If you’re a freelance journalist with an LLC, you still enter according to the FTE of the news organization where your submissions appeared.
I’m not a journalist, but I also contribute to a news outlet or magazine. May I enter?
No. EWA only accepts entries produced by journalists that appeared in an independent journalism outlet. The majority of an entrant’s work must follow the EWA bylaws.
Why aren’t works by non-journalists eligible for these awards?
There are many thoughtful writers in teaching, think tanks, and research communities who contribute to education journalism by providing news tips, quotes, research and perspective. However, this contest honors the very best of independent education journalism. EWA is grateful to its community members for their continued support for expanding the breadth and depth of independent education journalism.
I work for a magazine/weekly/podcast/online-only news outlet. Where should I enter?
Journalists of any medium or platform can enter and compete in any of the categories, except those specifying a broadcast-type category or subcategory. In addition, any news outlet can submit entries that are primarily audio or primarily visual.
Do I need to be a full-time education reporter?
No. Entries must be about education, but the journalists producing the submitted work don’t need to be assigned to the beat. You do need to qualify as a journalist member of EWA. Please see our bylaws for more.
May I enter the same story in two different categories to hedge my bets?
No. The only exception is those entered in the beat category.
How many articles, or how much audio or video, can I submit in each entry?
It depends on the category. All audio and video submitted to the broadcast subcategories within features and news are capped at a total viewing or listening time of 15 minutes. Podcasts can have up to one hour of audio. Beat reporters can submit up to five pieces, and those entering the investigative/public service category can submit four pieces. (See Categories for more details.)
I’m a radio reporter. Can I only enter broadcast news, broadcast features or podcast?
No. You may enter the other categories. Journalists at radio outlets can enter other subcategories, especially if they have packages that include multimedia. If you have a submission that meets this criteria, especially if it includes print, submit to the other subcategories.
Broadcast is strictly broadcast. Submit only video or audio to broadcast subcategories.
I’m a television reporter. Can I only enter broadcast news or broadcast features?
No. You may enter other categories. Journalists at television broadcast outlets can enter other subcategories, especially if they have packages that include multimedia. If you have a submission that meets this criteria, especially if it includes print, submit to the other subcategories.
Broadcast is strictly broadcast. Submit only video or audio to broadcast subcategories.
I work for a small education-only outlet. Can I submit stories to the small newsroom category instead of education-only?
No. If there is an education-only subcategory, you must choose that one. Education-only entries that were co-published with a non education-only outlet can be submitted to another subcategory if the partner outlet contributed substantially to the entry.
I’m a student journalist. What can I enter?
We have created a special category for student journalists. The stories should have been published or produced by a student-run independent news organization or school-related news organization where students serve as staffers. (This can’t be an NPR affiliate linked to a university like WAMU or WUIS.) You can submit up to three stories, but they must center around a common theme.
What’s the difference between the features, news and investigative/public service categories?
The news category focuses on breaking news, current events or news analysis of a current event. Stories in the features category focus on human interest or building a narrative. Investigative/public service reporting uncovers a problem or wrong-doing and leads to change in policies. Our judges report that too many features submissions were actually investigative. Don’t assume you can hedge your bets by submitting an investigative package to the features category.
How do I figure out how many stories to submit?
Our judges say in their comments on multi-story entries and during their virtual final decision meetings that the determination of whether someone scores lower in an entry often comes down to the quality of every individual piece. It can make the difference in placing fourth or as a finalist, or placing as a finalist or winner if one article is substantially weaker than the others. If a piece isn’t as strong as the others, don’t enter it. Quantity does not edge quality.
Do I need a letter of support or endorsement from an editor?
No. You can enter all on your own. You don’t need a letter or any other approval from an editor. The same rule applies for freelancers. But do submit a cover letter.
What should I include in my cover letter?
The cover letter can be written by the entrant(s) or an editor. Briefly state why the entry matters and include background information, if appropriate, about reporting challenges, such as whether the entry required significant public records requests, the thinking behind any innovations in presentation, and the impact of the work, such as whether it uncovered a critical issue or violation or resulted in any positive changes in the community. Judges advise against recapping your coverage. They will listen to/read/watch/your stories. The length for your cover letter is one page.
How do I calculate the size of my newsroom to determine which division to enter?
Calculate the journalism staff size by counting all the full-time-equivalent (FTE) journalism-related employees in the newsroom at the time the entry was produced. In addition to reporters, the calculation should include all editors, designers, online producers, and multimedia content producers, such as photographers, data analysts and videographers. Two half-time editors, for example, would add up to one FTE. Freelancers should submit entries based on the FTE count of the media outlet that published them. Four of the awards categories include subcategories by newsroom size. If you enter a newsroom size subcategory, include your newsroom’s FTE count on your entry.
Newsrooms sizes are:
- Small: <40 FTE newsroom employees
- Large: 40+ FTE newsroom employees
- Education-only outlets of any size
- Broadcast of any size
I work for a small bureau or division that is part of a large news organization. Which newsroom size do I enter?
Enter the size division reflecting the newsroom resources available to you to produce the work. If you received no material support from any other office or division, enter based on your local newsroom. But if your work benefited from reporting from other bureaus, or editing, programming, or graphics from a centralized desk, enter in the division that corresponds to the staffing of the combined newsrooms.
How will you know the size of my newsroom?
We generally operate on the honor system; though if the judges check and discover you have entered a newsroom size division smaller than you should, they will disqualify your entry. If you enter a larger division than you should, they may move your submission to its rightful place. We adopted the FTE newsroom staff model of gauging the size of the publication because we believe that metric has more to do with the resources of an outlet than does circulation size or web traffic.
I have a submission that ran as part of a partnership with another journalism organization. Which newsroom size division should I enter?
Enter the newsroom size of the larger partner.
What publish date should my stories have?
Entries must have been published, posted or broadcast in an independent news outlet for the first time in 2024. EWA does accept series in which one part appeared during the 2023-2024 school year, but a majority of the series’ pieces must have run in 2024. The only exception: Stories published or broadcast in 2023 that were honored as finalists or winners in last year’s EWA awards are ineligible for consideration in this year’s awards.
Do you accept entries in languages other than English?
If you submit an entry in another language, you must provide an English translation or English captions/subtitles in the case of broadcast stories.
What format should I use to submit my work?
URLs alone are enough and preferred (though make sure to provide usernames and passwords to get around paywalls), but you can also submit JPEGs, MOVs, MPEGs, MP3s or MP4s, PDFs, PNGs, WAVs, or WMVs. Please note that judges can disqualify submissions if they’re hard to read, so if you choose to submit a PDF, ensure it’s readable.
Does my entry have to be submitted online?
What are the cash prizes per award?
Category winners receive $1,000 for winning a category; $2,500 for the Ronald Moskowitz Prize for Outstanding Beat Reporting; and $10,000 for the Fred M. Hechinger Grand Prize for Distinguished Education Reporting.
When will the winners be announced?
Finalists will be announced in late spring 2025. Winners are announced at EWA’s 2025 National Seminar in St. Louis, May 28-31.
Who judges these entries?
EWA recruits veteran reporters, editors and journalism professors, many of them previous EWA prize winners, as judges. Judges are assigned categories and newsroom divisions that avoid conflicts of interest, and they recuse themselves from judging entries from their own employer or close friends. If you are interested in being considered to be a judge, which is a great opportunity to read and learn about the best education journalism of the year, please email awards@ewa.org.

Membership & Awards Application
EWA members pay reduced entry fees. After signing up for the FREE membership, follow the steps to submit your awards entries.
Awards Categories 2024
The Education Writers Association’s 2024 National Awards for Education Reporting competition consists of seven categories. Click each category to the right to see past winners.
- Small: <40 FTE newsroom employees
- Large: 40+ FTE newsroom employees
- Education-only outlets of any size.
- Newsrooms of all sizes
- Small: <40 FTE newsroom employees
- Large: 40+ FTE newsroom employees
- Broadcast: radio or television reporting of any newsroom size.
- Education-only outlets of any size.
- Small: <40 FTE newsroom employees
- Large: 40+ FTE newsroom employees
- Education-only outlets of any size.
- Small: <40 FTE newsroom employees
- Large: 40+ FTE newsroom employees
- Education-only outlets of any size.
- Broadcast: radio or television reporting of any size.
- Newsrooms of all sizes
- High school newsrooms
- College newsrooms (undergraduates only)
- Student-run independent newsrooms