Post Your Job
Loreum Ipsum
We strive to post your listing online the same business day it is received.
It may take up to two business days for posting. You will be notified when it is published. Once your posting is online, it will run in two editions of the newsletter.
- Community Members and Non-Members pay $125 per listing.
- Supporting Community and Journalist Members pay only $75 per listing
Where You Get Placed
Your job listing will be placed in EWA’s Career Center for up to two months.
See your job listing run in two issues of the EWA Today newsletter (Tuesday and Friday).
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Our newly launched website has many opportunities for visibility. If you’re interested in placing an ad, please connect with Development Director Rachel Wolin.
EWA plays a unique and prominent role in serving the nation’s education journalism community.
Spread your organization’s message and underscore your support of education reporting with a sponsorship of EWA. Reach a growing community of reporters from news outlets ranging from the most influential national publications to key regional and locally oriented outlets.
And build good will with thought leaders, researchers, and communication professionals at education organizations across the country.
To best meet your needs, EWA has many tailored options – from major sponsorships of our flagship National Seminar to sponsored newsletter messages. For more, see our EWA Fundraising Guidelines.
If you would like more information about sponsorship opportunities, please connect with Development Director Rachel Wolin.
Where You Get Placed

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