EWA Listservs

EWA has listservs focused on P-12 and postsecondary education. Journalist membership is required for both. 

Topics on both lists are wide-ranging. The listservs are great places to find sources in a hurry, or to pick your colleagues’ brains about reporting strategy.

About the EWA Listservs

To Join

If you are a working journalist and an EWA Journalist Member, you are welcome to join either list. After joining, contact EWA, and our membership team will take it from there.

To Be Removed or Change Your Listserv Settings

If you’re already on a listserv and you’d like to be removed or change your settings, follow these listserv instructions.

To Post A Message

Just email your message to the address below. Remember to include a subject and a message in the body.

For P-12 Listserv Email: ewa-L@po.missouri.edu
For Higher Education Email: highered-L@po.missouri.edu

To Customize Your Subscription

If you want to change your subscription settings, email any commands to listserv@po.missouri.edu (note: this is a different address from posting a message).

Leave the subject line empty and type the command in the body of the message.

For example, if you want to remove yourself from the higher ed listserv, email “listserv@po.missouri.edu” with the subject line empty and “signoff highered-L” (without quotes) in the body.

Settings P-12 Listserv Commands Higher Ed Listserv Commands
Temporarily stop messages from being sent to you set ewa-L nomail set highered-L nomail
Restart receiving messages set ewa-L mail set highered-L mail
Receive all messages for the day in one email, rather than receiving them separately set ewa-L digest set highered-L digest
Permanently leave the list signoff ewa-L signoff highered-L
Receive an email with a list of commonly used commands help help
Receive a list of all commands info refcard info refcard

Listserv Guidelines

The EWA listservs are reserved for education journalists to help one another. The wisdom and generosity of  fellow members  are invaluable resources for education journalists.

If you’re new to the list, or you don’t read it often, here are a few pointers to keep in mind. We do have a few rules:

  1. The listservs users and all information exchanged on the listservs are confidential. By joining, you agree never to share, forward or discuss specific or general listserv conversations with anyone not on the EWA listservs. An exception to this rule occurs when a listserv member queries on behalf of a colleague not on the listserv and discloses that information in their post.
  2. If you do want to use something from the listservs, you must seek permission from the listserv users who commented on the particular subject.
  3. Be civil and respectful at all times.
  4. Don’t post anything not suitable for work.

Violation of these common-sense standards will result in immediate removal from listserv, pending EWA staff review.

The following aren’t rules per se, but following these guidelines will ensure the best listserv experience for everyone.

  • Mind the reply field. Before responding to a listserv email, be sure it’s going where you intend. Clicking “reply” will typically result in a message addressed to ewa-l@po.missouri.edu, which means every subscriber will receive it. If you mean to send your message off-list, be sure it’s instead addressed to an individual recipient.
  • If an exchange has gone on for a while and has only a few participants, consider taking it off-list.
  • Don’t send unsubscribe requests to the listserv. Send them here instead.