2022 Visual Storytelling (Smaller Newsroom) Finalists
Jim Fields, Emmeline Zhao, Laura Fay & Meghan Gallagher
The 74
Weaving a Stronger Society — Starting in Our Schools
- David Brooks & Frederick Riley talk the mission behind ‘Weave: The Social Fabric Project’ & how educators can help weave a stronger society
- A rural teacher challenges students and her community to wrestle with the world
- Watch: How an island teacher builds community bridges through her Hawaii school
- Watch: An inner-city teacher helps his community capture hope and promise in art
Comments From the Judges:
“The storytelling is crafted well, with excellent narrative editing, strategically selected b-roll visuals, and an overall great variety of sources for b-roll including interviews, archival news footage, and images from national press outlets. The “weaving” of the project visuals with in-depth interview audio is done very well. It guides audiences effectively through the numerous, multi-geographic stories, introducing us to a diverse range of educators who are making a difference in their communities while explaining why building bridges through education is necessary at this moment in time.”
“Good interview background. Good lighting. Great use of low depth of field. Opening of audio was good. I love the variety of your video and how you make me feel like I’m there. I love how you break this big story into smaller pieces. Some impressive storytelling here with solid audio and great video.”
Andrew Reed & John Fensterwald
Kid Cooks and Tasty Lunches: One Elementary School’s Recipe for Survival
Comments From the Judges:
“Overall, I appreciated the playfulness of the story and the lighter tone it held for a more serious topic – student hunger and access to nutritious food at school. Together, I think the video and photos told an interesting story. I’m also interested in the impact that could have happened post-publication. The impact of the food program itself sounds tremendous – and how it could be replicated is an interesting concept.”
“What a neat story. Good find. Great behind-the-scenes visuals. Good audio. Wow, I wish more schools would do this. I loved time-lapse video with audio over it. Good job getting monetary angle. You had people angle and money angle. That’s good. This piece really kept me watching.”
Lauren Santucci
Education Week
They Survived a School Shooting. And They Have Advice for Educators Who May Experience the Same
Comments From the Judges:
“Opening video grabbed my attention. Your video interviews clearly tugged at emotions. Nice lighting in interviews. Great use of side lighting. Good use of detail shots of hands. I love the tight shots of people being interviewed. I really like how you just let people talk. … It’s great hearing the families speak. Collectively, this is really a strong piece that tells something more about school shootings that we don’t ever hear from the mass media fighting for ratings.”
“Quality of Presentation: Excellent – I thought the interviews were done in a sensitive and compassionate way, with well-executed shots and cinematography.”