2023 Student Journalism Finalists
Bree Campbell, Shoaa Khan & Jose Santana
The Bell
Questioning the Status Quo
- Ep. 1: Wake up call – school should start later
- Ep. 2: We need to talk about sex
- Ep. 5: Responding to racism in schools
Comments From the Judges:
“The three entries are all well-produced and easy to listen to. The ‘sleep’ episode is tightly-produced, with a significant amount of expert opinion and research. I like the voices and perspectives.”
“Impressive. These students explore every angle and are fearless in their question asking. Easily my favorite entry.”
Emma H. Haidar, Miles J. Herszenhorn, Cam E. Kettles, Nia L. Orakwue & Claire Yuan
The Harvard Crimson
Claudine Gay’s Congressional Testimony
- Harvard President Gay traveled to Washington to quell the backlash. Her testimony only made it worse.
- President Claudine Gay will remain in office, Harvard Corporation to issue statement in support
- Former Harvard Corporation head William Lee ’72 helped prepare Gay ahead of testimony, highlighting complex dual roles
Comments From the Judges:
“The day-of news story from Gay’s congressional testimony was clear and insightful. It’s also impressive that the reporters revealed that the former head of the Harvard Corp – and not in-house corporate or crisis comms – prepared her for her disastrous testimony. Excellent student journalism.”
“The resources these student journalists had were remarkable – being able to fly to DC to watch the hearing and report from the scene. And the level of hustle to get scoops is impressive here. This is very top-notch journalism.”
Alex Walters
The State News
Reporting on Michigan State’s Title IX Office
- Student was told to trust MSU with rape report, then was disbelieved
- GVSU left MSU in the dark on his misconduct, then it happened again
- Brenda Tracy said leak came from MSU boardroom
Comments From the Judges:
“This is very good reporting that has had a significant impact. The three stories are connected by the themes of sexual misconduct and MSU official indifference and misbehavior, and the reporting is consistently excellent and thorough.”
“These stories display dogged reporting: acquiring confidential records, building deep sources, understanding complex issues. The stories uncover important details. The level of difficulty couldn’t be much higher for a student news story.”