2023 Visual Storytelling (All Newsroom Sizes) Finalists
Jim Fields, Eamonn Fitzmaurice & Emmeline Zhao
The 74
America’s Innovative High Schools
- Alaska Natives are claiming their seat at the table
- Hip hop is saving teen lives in Minnesota
- How a California wine region is ‘Growing futures’ by turning vineyards into state-of-the-art classrooms
Comments From the Judges:
“This is definitely a story worth telling and one few other people have even started to tell. I appreciated the B-roll that took me out into the community. The video out in the classroom was awesome, especially students working on projects. This showed a long-term commitment to the project.”
“Nicely done videos with very high quality filming, editing and interviewing (good job including a diversity of sources). The hip hop one is especially interesting. Nice mix of images. Interesting how the high school for recording arts started.”
Alec Fischer
Fischr Media
Covid Confessions: Elementary School Students & School Social Workers Share Their Experiences During The Pandemic
- Elementary school students share their experiences during the pandemic
- School social workers share their experiences during the pandemic
Comments From the Judges:
“Excellent videos [with] powerful first hand accounts of their covid experiences. The editing, music and the simplicity of the background were very well done and – to the journalist’s point – really highlighted the storytelling.”
“Well, this was just so simple, it was powerful. I loved how you let them walk in and sit down. Great little stories within the big story here. Tremendous emotional impact and realism. Great getting people to open up.”
Liz Willen, Soledad O’Brien, Rose Arce, Naimah Jabali-Nash, Fazil Khan, Amari Leigh & Tristan Nash
The Hechinger Report, Soledad O’Brien Productions & CBS News
The End of Affirmative Action
Comments From the Judges:
“A great balance of lawyer arguments about the ideas of affirmative action and drama in the hopes and fears of students whose futures are crossing that changing landscape. I very much hope there is [a] follow-up on the admission data.”
“Timely and informative. Excellent opening. The audio and visuals worked well together to set the scene. I love the really tight shots. But more importantly, I like the variety of visuals. Skilled photography for sure. Even the interviews were well-lit and composed.”