2020 Beat Reporting (Small Newsroom) Winner

Jon Marcus, The Hechinger Report

“Jon Marcus on the Higher Education Beat”

About the Entry

The Hechinger Report’s Jon Marcus looks behind the headlines about coronavirus tests and hand sanitizer, revealing systemic issues in higher education that preceded and will long outlast this turbulent year. Marcus’ reporting disputes the narratives universities and colleges rely on the public to believe.

Comments from the Judges

“In a crowded coverage space, each of these stories found a different angle and offered new insight. They’re so thoroughly reported and well sourced, seamlessly incorporating students’ voices and experiences, alongside research, data and experts’ commentary. “

“Jon’s stories feel fresh and insightful, explaining important but often counterintuitive and under-explored trends. He’s adept at using data, research, and memorable quotes to support his assertions; the conclusions he draws feel authoritative and earned. “ 
