2020 Features (Small Newsroom) Winner
Emily Tate | EdSource
“Inside a Preschool That Treats the Youngest Victims of the Opioid Crisis”
About the Entry
Tate reports on a heartbreaking and under-reported side effect to the opioid crisis: children of opioid users, who are often exposed to trauma from a young age. In Ohio, the state with the second-highest opioid death rate, Tate tells the story of a preschool that provides holistic support for the youngest victims of the opioid epidemic.
Comments from the Judges
“This is an education reporter at the top of her game.”
“The organization and writing was strong and enhanced by wonderful photos and pull-outs on assessment techniques. I found it to be compelling to read and was glad to see that it had a real impact on the community.”
Photo credit: Emily Tate