2019 Investigative Reporting (Larger Staff) Winner

Kenny Jacoby | Gannett/USA TODAY Network

“Predator Pipeline”

About the Entry

Kenny Jacoby’s dogged reporting led to a four-part investigative series exposing how the NCAA looks the other way as college athletes punished for sexual offenses transfer schools and continue their playing careers without consequences.

Comments from the Judges

“Deep and painstaking reporting; beautifully presented online using tools that eases the reader right into the findings.”

“The amount of reporting that went into this project is truly staggering and evident in these extremely well-researched, thorough stories. Kenny appears to have left no stone unturned as he examined this issue. And he does a great job of weaving it all together. The writing is clear, and the findings are as compelling as they are damning.”

Photo credit: USA Network Today
