2016 Single-Topic News or Feature for Print/Online (Medium Staff) Winner

Jonathan Fischer, Aymann Ismail, Andrew Kahn, Chris Kirk, Dani McClain, Laura Moser | Slate - Sarah Carr, Miriam Hall, Jessica Huseman, Alexandria Neason, Vanessa Romo | Teacher Project

“Race in America’s Classrooms”

About the Entry

This series, pegged to the arrival of the majority “minority” milestone in American public schools, evaluates how communities across the country are adjusting to increasingly diverse classroom demographics in their public school systems.

Comments from the Judges

“An incredibly ambitious project that could have gone off the rails if not for laser focus on the topic, key selection of story ideas and locales to report from, and lively writing with great narratives. Each story relied on data as a backbone, which gave the entire package more gravitas.”

“The main pieces were beautifully written and the series was beautifully produced. I particularly liked the video elements in the Alaska story which took me there, and the audio in the Hawaiian story, which also gave me the sound of the native Hawaiian language that the story was about.”

Photo credit: Slate.com
