2017 Single-Topic News or Feature for Broadcast Winner 2
Linda Lutton (Reporter, WBEZ) Marianne McCune (Editor), Cate Cahan (Editor, WBEZ), Joe DeCeault (Producer, WBEZ) and Ben Calhoun (Executive Producer, WBEZ) | Chicago Public Media
About the Entry
Public radio reporter Linda Lutton spends a year with a fourth-grade class in Chicago trying to answer a question: Can a public school overcome the challenges faced by children growing up in high-poverty neighborhoods?
Comments from the Judges
“Many times, reporters spend a year in a school but without any clear question that they’re there to answer. This documentary shows the benefit of going in with a mission and structuring the reporting around it.”
“Incredible reporting by Linda Lutton. I applaud her for gaining deep access to the kids and their families and the educators. Kudos for the story structure and making the point about what makes news.”