2016 Single-Topic News or Feature for Print/Online (Medium Staff) Finalist: Education Week Staff

Laura Baker, Sumi Banerjee, Deanna Del Ciello and Stephen Sawchuk | Education Week

About the Entry

This series assesses Teach For America as the high-profile organization marks its 25th anniversary, examining how TFA is trying to grow past its complex legacy and what the future holds for the organization’s efforts to recruit, train, and support public school educators.

Comments from the Judges

“Stephen Sawchuk does his typically brilliant job translating complex and sometimes dry topics into lively reports. He also is known for not pulling punches and he lives up to that reputation in this package, which is solidly reported, well written and unbiased in its framing of a very controversial topic.”

“Deep, authoritative, well written, great use of real voices: This series hits a home run on an important topic. It’s easy to do anniversary stories, more difficult to do them well.”
