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2018 Features (Small Staff) Finalist: Suevon Lee
Suevon Lee | Honolulu Civil Beat
“Building Bridges to Micronesian Students”
About the Entry
As enrollment expands in Hawaii schools for Micronesian students, schools and community groups are trying new ways to close cultural and academic gaps.
Comments from the Judges
“A lot to like here with good writing and quality reporting that spans a large geographic area and provides a strong cultural understanding of a proud people.”
“The reporter gathered rich and telling information that was completely new to me, such as the ability of Micronesians to come to the United States without visas as reparations for U.S. nuclear testing in the area and their struggles with truancy, English, poverty, school discipline, academic achievement.”
“The series fired my curiosity and I found myself wanting to know much more about the Micronesian culture, the experiences of students and their families in the U.S. and what commonalities they faced with other underrepresented minorities whose cultures are so different yet student outcomes often similar.”
Photo credit: Cory Lum/Civil Beat