2019 Best Audio Storytelling (Larger Staff) Finalist: NPR Staff

Rhitu Chatterjee, Rebecca Davis, Vikki Valentine, Deborah Franklin and Meredith Rizzo | NPR

‘School Shooters: What’s Their Path to Violence?’ ‘When Teens Threaten Violence, A Community Responds With Compassion’

About the Entry

Rhitu Chatterjee talked with school officials, psychologists and a former student who threatened his school with violence to explore the angry psychology of potential school shooters. She also highlighted important avenues for prevention and treatment.

Comments from the Judges

“In the era of school shooters, this two-part story did an excellent job of exploring the challenges facing young people and how adults interpret warning signs.”

“This is an important topic, and the reporter was extremely thorough, landing interviews with thoughtful people who had done some important work to explain what’s going on with these troubled teens.”

Photo credit: Beth Nakamura for NPR
