2019 Best Audio Storytelling (Smaller Staff) Finalist: APM Reports Staff/Wyoming Public Radio Staff
About the Entry
“Students on the Move” presents a frank portrayal of the educational challenges facing kids whose housing is unstable by introducing listeners to kids experiencing homelessness, kids in migrant farmworker families, and some of the people trying to help them stay in school.
Comments from the Judges
This documentary is outstanding. It shines light on an underreported issue, or an issue that isn’t usually explored so well: homeless and migrant students. It goes deeper than most reporting I’ve read and heard on the topic by looking at efforts schools are making that seem to be improving outcomes for these students and why they aren’t replicated.”
“This documentary is so well researched, written, reported and produced…Great use of archival tape and student-centered stories. And good use of scenes to bring stories to life.”