2019 Best Visual Storytelling (Larger Staff) Finalist: The New York Times Staff

Eliza Shapiro, Brittainy Newman, Andrew Hinderaker and Meghan Louttit | The New York Times

“Homeless Students in New York City”

About the Entry

After covering NYC schools’ homeless students for years, Shapiro knew she had to try something different to get people to pay attention to the crisis. Shapiro and Newman then followed two students for one day each to show how much work it takes for these children to get an education.

Comments from the Judges

“This is a beautiful digital story: visuals and text are amazing and the design is beautiful.”

“This entry epitomizes what it means to show – and show quite urgently – rather than merely tell. These photos and the narrative that stitches together the typical arduous day in the lives of some of New York’s most vulnerable students will cut your heart. Outstanding work.”
