2019 Features (Medium Staff) Finalist: WHYY Staff

Kevin McCorry (host and reporter), Avi Wolfman-Arent (education reporter), Naomi Starobin (editor) and Charlie Kaier (sound mixer) | WHYY

About the Entry

Kevin McCorry and Avi Wolfman-Arent documented a summer inside a rec center for subtle glimpses into a place where we know development happens, but where we rarely ask how.

Comments from the Judges

“This episode must have taken a lot of time, developing trust and respect of the people in it. Transportive and important look into a mainstay of this community for so many kids and even adults.”

“This piece really blew me away. It is such a sensitive look at a community of young people who are not often seen as individuals with their own hopes and dreams, but rather as statistics about growing up in poverty.”

Photo credit: Jessica Kourkounis for Keystone Crossroads
