2019 Finalist of the EGF Accelerator’s Eddie Prize: Casey Parks
“Nearly All the Seniors at This Charter School Went to College. Only 6 Out of 52 Finished on Time”
About the Entry
Casey Parks spent nine months investigating the outcomes of a New Orleans charter high school that had promised families academic improvements and college success. Using newspaper archives, Parks tracked down dozens of Sci Academy graduates. She used student voices to paint a searing portrait of unfulfilled dreams. She also described school leaders’ early missteps, and their efforts to learn from their mistakes.
Comments from the Judges
“Compelling writing and deep reporting combined to make an outstanding narrative on an important issue that has not been covered enough. Really outstanding work that kept my attention to the end.”
“This was an impeccably reported, well-written story. The reporter’s tenacity shines through in this piece, which explores a topic that flies under the radar. It’s a great, enlightening read.”
Photo credit: Cheryl Gerber for The Hechinger Report