2019 Single-Topic News (Large Staff) Finalist: Eliza Shapiro

Eliza Shapiro | The New York Times

“Racial Inequality in New York’s Top Schools”

About the Entry

Eliza Shapiro tells the story of an emotionally fraught, politically delicate education fight that reverberated far outside of New York City: the lack of black and Hispanic students in the city’s top public schools.

Comments from the Judges

“Great use of data analysis to breakdown the rising inequalities over the years, and excellent reporting that includes many first-person accounts of students and alumni.”

“Wow wow wow wow wow. Well-written, well-investigated, compelling story … She’s also fair to all – mentioning the mayor’s proposed solution in multiple stories, and the Asian community’s concerns … Most compelling to me – the voices of current and former elite school students, whose words moved me to tears.“
