2019 Single-Topic News (Medium Staff) Finalists: The Hechinger Report Staff and CalMatters Staff

Jon Marcus - Felicia Mello | The Hechinger Report - CalMatters

About the Entry

Jon Marcus and Felicia Mello produced a comprehensive and sharply analytical story about the various approaches to higher education’s most challenging problems that are working – and not working – in California.

Comments from the Judges

“This story is incredibly well-written.The reporters took on a daunting task: Capture dozens of higher education policies the state of California is experimenting with, weigh each of them with data, personal stories and research, and then … hold the readers’ attention for 3,600 words.”

“This is a powerful, original and important story. Jon Marcus has used his expertise and knowledge of deep problems in higher education to bring a solutions-based approach to reporting on some of the biggest educational crises the nation faces.​”
