2020 Audio Storytelling (Larger Newsroom) Finalists
Two Schools in Marin County
Marianne McCune, Kai Wright, Christopher Werth and Karen Frillmann
WNYC Studios
Comments from the Judges: “A compelling story, painful to listen to, this piece emphasizes that silence around diversity issues is a sign of power. This piece shows that white students hold the cards, they have the choice, the freedom to choose where to send their kids, even when the school system is supposedly creating new opportunities for nonwhites.”
NPR’s 2020 College Road Trip
Elissa Nadworny and Lauren Migaki
Comment from the judges: “A series of relatively short (not podcast-length) features that tell interesting stories with lots of good sound. The reporter does a great job of walking listeners through the campuses she visits and explaining what they’re hearing.”
Starting College Behind
Kate McGee and Kate Grossman
WBEZ Chicago
Comment from the judges: “This story was one of the first I’ve encountered going deep with a student on their experience of developmental education. Not only did Kate develop a rapport with Luis, she also provided listeners with the context — via data and the professors — to understand it.”