2020 Visual Storytelling (Larger Newsroom) Finalists

Just for Kids: A Coronavirus Comic
Malaka Gharib and Cory Turner

Comment from the judges: “Creative and illustrative way to disseminate facts and information about COVID-19 to youth in an approachable way. Also demonstrated a commitment to following up with the story and broadening to include information about coping.”

What Back to School Might Look Like in the Age of Covid-19
Dana Goldstein, Yuliya Parshina-Kottas and Aliza Aufrichtig
The New York Times

Comment from the judges: “Great balance of visual graphics with information on how schools might adapt. The way it was done helped the reader visualize what these new adapted classrooms would look like. Effective and comprehendible.”

NBC Nightly News: Kids Edition
Staff of NBC Nightly News
NBC News

Comment from the judges: “Nice to see national news folks targeting kids. I appreciated the great variety of stories here from the election to what schools will look like. And they were all produced using solid visuals including graphics, still photos and video.”
