2017 Data Journalism Winner

Jamie Smith Hopkins and Chris Zubak-Skees | The Center for Public Integrity - Eric Sagara, Fernanda Camarena, Amy Walters and Ike Sriskandarajah | Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting

About the Entry

Nearly 8,000 public schools sit close to busy roads, putting kids and teachers at risk from traffic exhaust that can harm their health, as explained in this multi-platform project carried out by the Center for Public Integrity and Reveal.

Comments from the Judges

“This piece felt ambitious and fresh, and used data and geo-mapping along with in-depth, expansive reporting to tell an important story of another factor that could well be impacting student learning.”

“Topic is unique, data usage was strong, and there was a strong mix of experts and characters. Very strong package.”
