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2018 Best Visual Storytelling (Smaller Staff) Winner
Sunny (Yuxuan) Xie, Justin Allen, Daniel J. Willis and Nico Savidge | EdSource
About the Entry
California politicians celebrated a law passed in 2017 that required schools to test their water for lead, calling it a victory for school safety. District leaders proudly touted test results that they said showed students were drinking safe water. But in reality, California’s lead testing law and schools’ practices for dealing with the toxic metal have serious flaws.
Comments From the Judges
“An excellent use of visuals and database work in the name of public service. I can easily see this map helping parents hold their schools accountable. And the videos that explain lead testing and raise questions about whether it’s enough serve the same purpose.”
“The map and searchable database were terrific. They are easy to navigate, thorough, and provide a real public service.”
Photo credit: EdSource