2019 Best Visual Storytelling (Larger Staff) Winner

Sonali Kohli, Iris Lee, Priya Krishnakumar and Marcus Yam | Los Angeles Times

“Surrounded: Killings Near School, and the Students Left Behind”

About the Entry

In an unprecedented analysis, a team of journalists from the Los Angeles Times analyzed homicide data to find the public high schools in L.A. County that are surrounded by the highest number of homicides and explored the impacts of this violence not only on campus, but on the way to and from school.

Comments from the Judges

“A top-notch combination of so many journalistic forms—the data analysis, the deep human reporting, the graphics, the excellent photos. This is a model for pulling it all together.”

“Innovative data analysis and visualizations paired with rich, empathetic reporting and photography helped create this exceptional, yet sobering examination of the toll students suffer when they are surrounded by death and violence.”
