Making the Connection Between Literacy and Music Training
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Photo credit: Allison Shelley for EDUimages
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Photo credit: Allison Shelley for EDUimages
This year, the National Assessment of Educational Progress provided further evidence of continued decline in American students’ basic reading and math skills, sparking conversation about pandemic-era learning disruptions and the road to academic recovery.
Given the proven academic benefits of music education and training, should the arts play a larger, more active role in educational interventions and recovery efforts? What do K-12 reporters need to understand about the neural circuitry of reading and the underlying brain processes in music training?
Join the Education Writers Association for a webinar on Nov. 1 at 3 p.m. Eastern to learn more. Experts will explore the fascinating connection between music education and academic achievement, digging into the science behind identifying sounds and how it works to sharpen the brain.
Hear directly from speakers about research that showed high school students who learned to play their first instruments sharpened their brain’s ability to identify and process sound as it relates to reading and language development– and studies that found an out-of-school orchestra program was associated with improved academic performance and executive functioning.
Correction: This post previously included an incorrect link for Nina Kraus’ research about high school students. This link has been updated in the last paragraph.
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