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School Finance

Money matters. That’s the conclusion of a growing number of studies on how to improve the academic outcomes of America’s public school students. And it’s why education journalists should keep central to their reporting how districts and schools receive and spend money.

Public education is a massive – and costly – enterprise, with annual spending that exceeds $700 billion. The single biggest expenditure by far, about 80%, is for salaries and benefits to teachers and other employees.

Photo credit: Motizova/Bigstock

More About School Finance

Data/Research: School Finance
A vast array of data and research exists to better understand and contextualize education finance, with more coming out every year
History and Background: School Finance
The history of K-12 funding is closely aligned with the legal definition of children’s right to an equitable and adequate education, and to America’s racist history
How to Cover a School Budget Process
A local school board’s most important decision each year is approving the budget
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