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School Safety & Security

School is one of the safest places for children and adolescents to spend their days. Even so, risks still exist, whether that involves bullying, fights, bomb threats or armed campus intruders.

Photo credit: chicagophoto/Bigstock

More About School Safety & Security

Data/Research: School Safety & Security
Following you’ll find a selection of key data and research to better understand school safety and security issues
History and Background: School Safety & Security
Each year, public schools in the U.S. collectively spend billions of dollars to keep students and educators safe
5 Story Ideas: School Safety & Security
School districts maintain comprehensive emergency preparedness and response plans that highlight a range of potential scenarios that could unfold on campus
A Security Mindset
The strategies that officials use to provide campus safety — like school-based policing, student surveillance and discipline policies, including suspensions — have long been the subject of passion
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