75th National Seminar: Member Topic Suggestions

The Education Writers Association is planning to celebrate its 75th anniversary at the 2022 National Seminar in Orlando, Florida, from July 24 to 26. But first, we need your help

The Education Writers Association is planning to celebrate its 75th anniversary at the 2022 National Seminar in Orlando, Florida, from July 24 to 26. But first, we need your help.

Suggest speakers you’d like to hear, topics to address, and training to help education journalists from around the nation.

We created a suggestion box  so that you can submit your best ideas to help make this the most memorable National Seminar ever. This will be the first in-person National Seminar since 2019.

The National Seminar is only open to EWA journalist members, supporting community members, and student members who pre-register. If you’re not an EWA member and wish to participate in this exclusive opportunity to hear from some of the most important movers and shakers in the education and journalism world, it only takes a few minutes to join EWA. (EWA membership is free for journalists and students.)

Do you have questions about the process? Please email us at ns-suggestion-inquiry@ewa.org.
