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News Explainers

Here’s a tip for college journalists contemplating wading into the murky waters of satire: There pretty much isn’t anything funny about Hitler...
Tennessee Governor William Haslam today allowed HB 368/SB 893 to pass into law, and it could have a big impact on how science is taught in the state...
Research brief from the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network offers recommendations for how schools can make their climate more supportive for LGBT stud...
The search for a touchstone on objectivity doesn’t often lead to treasure, but sometimes perspective can be gained from casual reads far removed from one’s ...
Marc Tucker, president of the National Center on Education and the Economy, spoke with EWA about why the United States fares so poorly on international comparis...
Dual-language immersion programs are continuing to expand in schools across the country, Education Week’s Lesli A. Maxwell reports in a recent story....
“The Hunger Games” might be the most widely anticipated film based on a young-adult novel series since “Harry Potter,” but does that make it an appropri...
A Miami high school valedictorian ordered deported to her native Colombia is inspiring a groundswell of community support, protests and media coverage...