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News Explainers
This is an ongoing study of Oklahoma’s state-funded “universal” preschool program in the Tulsa Public Schools. Led by researchers at Georgetown University...
This short statement from a national teachers’ union outlines why it supports blended learning as long as the instruction is guided by a licensed teacher...
This report was one of the first major analyses of the effectiveness of online learning and remains one of the most influential....
More than anything else about higher ed, I am interested in the relationship between students and their studies. What could be more important?...
As school system budgets tighten, more journalists find themselves writing about—and misinterpreting the research on—class size. ...
Oklahoma A+ Schools/University of Central Oklahoma. Five-year evaluation study on the effectiveness of A+ arts-integrated school reform strategies in Oklahoma s...
Hours after starting my blog, I heard from Jerry Bracey. If you are an education reporter at any sizable media outlet and never heard from Jerry Bracey, I am su...
Expressing wariness about the industry makes one feel a little classist, as for-profit administrators say that they take the students nobody wants...
This overview of women in STEM lays out the major trends in employment, pay, job retention, types of degrees earned, and so on....