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News Explainers
This reports notes that “traditional higher education programs and policies are not well designed for the needs of adult learners, most of whom are ‘employe...
This report from the commission former U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings assembled is arguably the starting point for the current higher education ref...
This 2006 paper from University of Chicago economist James Heckman summarizes the research on the effects of early environments on child, adolescent and adult a...
This study reaches a startling conclusion: “Based on 2005 ACT-tested high school graduates, it appears that only about half of our nation’s ACT-tested high ...
No study has been used to back up the lasting social and economic benefits of high-quality preschool for low-income children more than the HighScope Perry Presc...
For an overview of school climate as an issue, see the Best Practice Brief on the topic by University-Community Partnerships at Michigan State University...
Finding the Right Fit....
A federally funded investigation of Chicago’s Child Parent Centers, which provide educational and family support services to children from preschool to 3rd gr...