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With most schools closed until after the New Year, the holidays can be a dry spell on the education beat....
Can a longer school day help students who are learning English grasp the language faster and better? A new report from the National Center on Time and Learning ...
Leading researchers share findings from a forthcoming book that examines teacher quality practices in high-achieving systems, including Finland, Hong Kong, Shan...
Sixty black and Latino boys spoke to Boston school officials last week about issues they feel might be holding them back at school. Segregation, high suspension...
The U.S. Department of Education is celebrating a new milestone for the nation’s high school graduation rate, with just over 82 percent of seniors earning dip...
At High Tech High School in San Diego, there are no bells that signal the start of class periods. There are no seven-period days, no mock standardized assessmen...
For years, common experience and studies have prescribed that humans learn best in their earliest years of life – when the brain is developing at its fastest....
Twenty-three percent of Hispanic or Latino community college students have very little security when it comes to their next meal, according to a study released ...
Since 2003, more information is produced every two days than the total sum of information produced between that year and the dawn of time, the CEO of Google sai...