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Coverage of teachers and the teaching profession is central to the education beat, but it requires an understanding of some complex issues — preparation, licensure, compensation, recruitment and retention, professional development, and unionism

Photo credit: Allison Shelley for EDUimages

More About Teachers

Data/Research: Teachers
To better understand issues facing the teaching profession, it’s important to stay abreast of the latest data and research
History and Background: Teachers
The teaching profession was once dominated by men, many of whom considered the job a stepping stone to a more prestigious career
Teacher Compensation
Teacher compensation — which includes pay, a pension and other benefits — is the single largest expenditure for school districts
The Teacher Pipeline
In the traditional path to the classroom, an aspiring teacher enrolls in a teacher-preparation program run by a college or university and earns their bachelor’s or master’s degree in education
Teacher Diversity
Increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of teachers is an issue of growing concern in public education. Today, 80% of teachers are white, while more than half of those who attend public schools are
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