A Reporter’s Guide to Covering Hybrid Teaching & Learning


As the pandemic-driven disruption to education persists, many schools across the country are or soon will be providing hybrid instruction — a combination of in-person and remote classes. Sometimes, the same teacher even delivers both modes simultaneously.

Hybrid learning can be the best of both worlds or the worst of both worlds, said Bree Dusseault, the practitioner-in-residence at the Center on Reinventing Public Education.

To help journalists better understand what’s happening with hybrid instruction, how it’s working (or not), and some of the key challenges and best practices, Dusseault and Principal Glenn Starnes II of South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, N.C., share their insights during this Education Writers Association webinar. This event marks the kick off an EWA series of webinars on teaching and learning.

The webinar is moderated by Aliyya Swaby, a public education reporter at the Texas Tribune who wrote an in-depth story about hybrid instruction in November — “In This Texas Classroom, A Teacher Divides Her Time Between ‘Roomies’ and ‘Zoomies’.

Reporters who view the webinar will come away better equipped to write about hybrid teaching and learning, and armed with good questions to ask, national context, and more.

This webinar was presented on March 9, 2021.
