As students look to curb the amount of loan debt they build on their way to a degree and policymakers eye the need for more college-educated workers, the focus on college graduation rates continues to increase. But exactly how many students actually earn a postsecondary degree can be a difficult question to answer because most data sources lose track of students as they swirl from one college to another, in and out of higher education as “life gets in the way.”
On Feb. 23, 2015, EWA and the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center held an exclusive preview of NSCRC’s new report on state-by-state college completion rates. NSCRC has access to unique data that enable it to follow students as they transfer from school to school, offering a much more detailed picture of how each state fares. NSCRC’s Associate Director Afet Dundar presented details from the report in discussion with Inside Higher Ed’s Scott Jaschik.
Webinar attendees received the full report in advance of the public release. All information presented in this webinar was embargoed until 12:01 a.m. February 24, 2015.