More than 3.7 million college students—accounting for more than a third of the nation’s undergraduate student body—are expected to transfer this year. As the end of the semester approaches, many students will be facing spring deadlines to make the jump from campus to campus.
This EWA webinar offers the opportunity to learn about one of the most under-covered—but important and timely—aspects of college admissions.
A veteran journalist and an expert on transfers walk you through data that can help you show how your local schools are helping—or discouraging—transfers. And they provide fresh story ideas for this admissions season, as well as tips on how to put faces to the numbers.
Among the trends discussed:
- The rise in the number of private schools, many of which used to accept no transfers at all, that are now heavily recruiting transfers, especially from community colleges.
- The policy efforts to address the many significant barriers to transfer, such as school standards that cause most transfer students to fail to earn credit for 43 percent of their courses.
- The ways colleges and universities are trying to fill in enrollment gaps caused by the national decline in the number of 18-year-olds by recruiting adults, veterans and members of other previously overlooked population groups.