January 28, 2021

Zero to Three: A Crash Course

Covering Child Care and Early Learning in the Pandemic

The pandemic’s massive disruption to K-12 and higher education is front and center for education journalists, but an equally important story for children, families, the education sector, and the workforce at large is the crisis in child care and early learning.

The coronavirus has shut down or destabilized child care providers from coast to coast, some of which may never recover. It also has exacerbated the already deep-seated inequities in access, availability, cost and quality of child care and early learning in the nation.

On January 28, 2021, the Education Writers Association will hold an afternoon-long crash course on child care and early learning amid COVID-19. Experts, policymakers, researchers, and advocates will join EWA for this virtual event to take stock of the crisis from all angles—and discuss what’s to come as President-elect Joe Biden takes office. The event will place special focus on issues impacting children from birth to age three, and will consider these issues as they relate to the political, economic, and social contexts of P-16 education.

Journalists will have the opportunity to connect with sources in interactive sessions as they learn about key policies impacting families with young children. Reporters will also be able to meet informally with their colleagues to exchange story ideas, reporting tips, data know-how, and pandemic parenting woes.

This program is free and open to any EWA journalist member, supporting community member, or student member. If you’re interested in this event but not an EWA member, you still have time to join. Membership for journalists and students is free.

This event is now closed for registration.

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