2021 Features (Large Newsroom) Finalists

See all finalists below

Mike Hixenbaugh & Antonia Hylton
NBC News Digital

The Critical Race Theory Battle in Southlake’s Schools

Comments from the Judges:

“Line after line, I couldn’t stop reading. Not only was this entry compelling, but I felt a range of emotions about how this mostly white, affluent community was reckoning with becoming more diverse in race.”

“This story really gave me some insights. I love how this post includes words, images, audio and video…That podcast series is impressive. So many angles. Such a human story. Excellent editing of words and video…I suspect this package of ongoing stories had a significant — and positive — impact on the community. Strong work.”

Hannah Natanson
The Washington Post

Race in the Classroom

Comments from the Judges:

“Really solid reporting. Just finding these individuals to illustrate the larger story through was a feat. This was a strong series of on the ground cases, deeply reported and compellingly told.”

“To see and get the inside scoop where young voices are drawing a line against racism in the place meant to teach the full truth about our country, phenomenal.”

Casey Parks
The New York Times Magazine

The Tragedy of America’s Rural Schools

Comments from the Judges:

“This was a thorough and heartbreaking look at the challenges rural school districts face. The story of one child, one superintendent and one county school district struggling for years for the very basic tools to learn and teach was beautifully told.​”

What a devastating story. Finding Harvey Ellington was an inspiration. And then…giving him space to speak for himself …that really worked. The use of numbers is also really smart.”


