2021 Beat Reporting (Small Newsroom) Finalists

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Linda Jacobson
The 74

Covering American Education’s Most Turbulent Year

Comments from the Judges

“I liked the range of topics in this entry, all timely, but the writing put it over the top for me. This lead, for example, grabbed me and wouldn’t let go – ‘The day her teenage daughter’s hair began to fall out, Eva Garcia knew the stress had become too much.’”

“The reporter does an impressive job of telling the important stories of higher education through sources throughout the country. The article about the students without internet connections is particularly well-told with great examples, such as the student without service living near Google’s headquarters.” 

Asher Lehrer-Small
The 74

ELLs’ Absenteeism, Blue State/Red State Learning Divides, TA to BA and More

Comments from the Judges

“Original and effective use of data and a clear commitment to come at stories from a unique angle and dig deeply to provide useful information.”

“The writer’s use of data to tell compelling narratives was impressive. The piece about North Carolina and eugenics is a story that should be told by more newsrooms nationwide and the 74 did a great job unearthing important information and using voices to bring the article to life.”

Jon Marcus
The Hechinger Report

Jon Marcus: Higher Education Beat Coverage

Comments from the Judges

“Jon Marcus does an excellent job of capturing large, complex national trends and conveying them in ways that are understandable and engaging for readers.”

“What impressed me most about this package is that it told me some things I didn’t know. The content is data based, but the writer puts a human face on it. It’s easy to read and interesting.” 


