Education journalists from across the U.S. gathered this week in San Diego, on the campus of High Tech High, to explore efforts to rethink the American high school. Along the way, they heard from fellow reporters, as well as educators, analysts and students.
The journalists also went on student-led tours of High Tech High — a widely recognized charter schools network that emphasizes personalization, “authentic” student work, and ensuring a diverse student population. In addition, reporters teamed up for a hands-on activity in which they redesigned high schools.
Below is a sampling of the Twitter chatter from the seminar.
Good morning, San Diego! Good morning, @edwriters! Look forward to our HS redesign seminar today. #ewaHS @L_willen @StacyTKhadaroo @BenjaminBHerold @lauraisensee @breakthecurve @rewolfeJFF pic.twitter.com/NwLWLcVQ2Y
— Erik Robelen (@ewrobelen) December 4, 2017
Pretty pumped to be at High Tech High in San Diego for #ewaHS to learn how to better cover high school innovation like the @HCS_AoH. pic.twitter.com/MsvlYx6QZO
— Jane Heeter (@byjanehammond) December 4, 2017
The words that come to mind when a bunch of education reporters are asked about their most positive high school experience #ewaHS pic.twitter.com/1hdIYvbtWC
— Caitlin Emma (@caitlinzemma) December 4, 2017
One major issue confronting high school today is the level of engagement students report feeling, says @chendrie at #EWAHS. Just 32% of 11th graders reported feeling engaged, per @GallupNews https://t.co/Ues12XhV8x
— Mikhail Zinshteyn (@mzinshteyn) December 4, 2017
Poor high school engagement, inadequate preparation for college and career reaching crisis point in American high school, #ewaHS panelists say pic.twitter.com/axHfo9WBdA
— Debbie Kelley (@inkywoman) December 4, 2017
#ewahs @rewolfeJFF: Key to education is heart, hands and head. When we focus on one to the exclusion of the other is when we get messed up. (#OUSD supt. says this too.)
— Theresa Harrington (@TunedToTheresa) December 4, 2017
Good point by @BenjaminBHerold — always ask where the personalized learning push is coming from, who’s funding it #ewaHS pic.twitter.com/vbDwwgGvhB
— Caitlin Emma (@caitlinzemma) December 4, 2017
So cool! @lauraisensee “let students hold the mic, make first-person documentaries” while embedded at @XQAmerica Superschool — Houston’s Furr HS. #ewaHS
— Beth Hawkins (@beth_hawkins) December 4, 2017
Live-Streaming NOW: “How I Did the Story” with @BenjaminBHerold @lauraisensee & @StacyTKhadaroo . Get smart tips, story ideas on covering high school redesign. #ewaHShttps://t.co/CcyZIwrbuh
— Education Writers Association (@EdWriters) December 4, 2017
.@IowaBIG crossed the unfathomable divide in the pursuit of #rethinkingHS: 3 rival football teams united under the #PBL vision. Now _that’s_ committment. #ewaHS pic.twitter.com/PNw7Ce137C
— Rebecca E. Wolfe (@rewolfe13) December 4, 2017
Cleveland has a school that operates inside MetroHealth hospital in the city. HOW COOL IS THAT. #AllinCLE #ewaHS
— Jennifer Pignolet (@JenPignolet) December 4, 2017
Excited for last panel of the day at #ewaHS bc it features some of the best experts on HS ——> students! pic.twitter.com/dlHbTePkWd
— Laura Isensee (@lauraisensee) December 5, 2017
You know what’s great about listening to students talk about high schools? They use plain language about learning, no jargon at all. Thanks for having them #ewaHS
— Liz Willen (@L_willen) December 5, 2017
During our #ewaHS panel @rewolfeJFF talked about how @jfftweets examines impact of automation on jobs. So had to share this photo of robot that delivered my Thai food order 3 wks ago! (Burning question: How did robot spend $5 tip I prepaid thru delivery app?) pic.twitter.com/ixbcdwJt6u
— Craig D. Jerald (@breakthecurve) December 4, 2017
.@l_willen interviews @XQAmerica’s @RusslynnAli about the project to improve America’s high schools #ewaHS pic.twitter.com/UzhOzU3PbT
— Lori Crouch (@lkcrouch) December 5, 2017
Education reporters are taking their own hand to school redesign thanks to @schoolretool and @edwriters at #ewaHS pic.twitter.com/op6pgr0nfa
— Christopher Shearer (@ShearerSpeaks) December 5, 2017
Turning the tables: Reporter @Kschwart explains plans for a redesigned HS as part of a hands-on activity at EWA’s seminar. #ewaHS @StacyTKhadaroo @m_education_ap @EWAEmily pic.twitter.com/535sHBAWYw
— Erik Robelen (@ewrobelen) December 7, 2017
Redesigning a school is no piece of cake! https://t.co/IG5poexRcK
— Maria Danilova (@mariasdanilova) December 7, 2017
Education writers @thebeenster & @waynedorio hard at work redesigning a high school at #ewaHS event in San Diego. pic.twitter.com/3xj9wtmrNs
— Erik Robelen (@ewrobelen) December 7, 2017
It’s a beautiful day (and a beautiful space!) for learning at @hightechhigh. #ewaHS pic.twitter.com/AJLU99UZAZ
— Emily Richmond (@EWAEmily) December 5, 2017
Just talked w/ @hightechhigh 11th grader abt what he’s working on:
– In bio, building a calorimeter for sustainable space colonies project
– Researching Syrian civil war for humanities presentation
– Learning log equations by calculating future Bitcoin value. #ewaHS #notmyHS— Benjamin Herold (@BenjaminBHerold) December 5, 2017
As her students workshop essays, a @hightechhigh teacher explains a sample writing project in this class: Explain relationships between works (don’t just compare & contrast them) by James Baldwin & Langston Hughes & The Star-Spangled Banner. Fascinating school visit! #ewaHS pic.twitter.com/lPWRnKhpFa
— Caroline Hendrie (@chendrie) December 5, 2017
Chemistry meets entrepreneurship @hightechhigh #ewahs pic.twitter.com/IJsPtjGfL1
— Stacy T. Khadaroo (@StacyTKhadaroo) December 6, 2017
Student artwork all over the place at @hightechhigh #ewaHS pic.twitter.com/M9dKM3YzDl
— Caroline Hendrie (@chendrie) December 5, 2017
The @RANDEducation and @DigitalPromise researchers highlighted the important role education journalists play bridging the divide between researchers and public understanding. #ewaHS
— Dakarai I. Aarons (he/him/his) (@D_Aarons) December 5, 2017
Reporters: When educators say their school is innovative — personalized learning, competency based ed., etc — ask them to be ‘very very specific’ with a concrete example beyond the jargon, says @RANDCorporation‘s Elizabeth Steiner. #ewaHS
— Erik Robelen (@ewrobelen) December 5, 2017
Thanks to all the students for sharing with us at #ewahs pic.twitter.com/w39taJvIGa
— Stacy T. Khadaroo (@StacyTKhadaroo) December 5, 2017