A small boy sits on green grass reading a book. A body of water is behind him.
August 22, 2023 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Back-to-School Season: How Reporters Can Evaluate Summer Student Outcomes

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Photo credit: Everest/Bigstock

The new school year is just around the corner for students in some states. While parents are stocking up on No. 2 pencils, reporters should focus on requesting public records about summer learning programs and their outcomes.

With the American Rescue Plan (ARP) came more than $1 billion in funding earmarked for summer learning and a national call to action. Have these increased investments moved the needle on academic recovery? How did state education agencies step into their newfound roles in supporting summer programming? What questions should reporters ask as they make sense of the data?

Join the Education Writers Association on Aug. 22 at 12 p.m. Eastern for a webinar on all things summer learning. Experts will share how high-quality programs can translate into academic and social-emotional development gains and how states evaluated their impact with an eye toward equity. Certain logistics and challenges, such as timing and staffing, add color to the findings.

Come curious, and leave with actionable story ideas.
