EGF Accelerator’s Eddie Prize

The EGF Accelerator has retired the Eddie Prize. EWA is no longer administering this award. 

View the archive to see past winners: journalists who furthered the national conversation about low-income students’ college completion.

Photo credit: James Minichello of AASA for EWA

About the Eddie Prize

The journalism prize from the EGF Accelerator recognizes the best work on the challenges low-income students face getting into and/or completing college. The EGF Accelerator invests in programs that inspire young people to achieve their personal best while contributing to a stronger, more compassionate society.

The foundation’s mission is to reduce the achievement gap by empowering motivated yet underserved students through support of programs that provide academic remediation, enrichment, and leadership life skills resulting in their entrance to and graduation from college.

Past Winners


Persecution in the Name of the Lord
Deborah Jian Lee
Esquire & Economic Hardship Reporting Project


The Enduring Gap
Camille Phillips, Fernando Ortiz Jr., Dan Katz & Jacob Rosati
Texas Public Radio


What the System Requires
Eric Hoover
The Chronicle for Higher Education


A Year Interrupted
Elizabeth Rich and Brooke Saias
Education Week


The Valedictorians Project
Malcolm Gay, Meghan Irons and Eric Moskowitz
The Boston Globe


Minimally Adequate: How South Carolina’s Schools Fail Too Many Students.
Paul Bowers, Glenn Smith, Seanna Adcox, Jennifer Berry Hawes and Thad Moore
Charleston Post and Courier


The Long, Difficult Journey to College
Eric Hoover
The Chronicle of Higher Education


Shadow Class: College DREAMers in Trump’s America
Sasha Aslanian, Catherine Winter, Emily Hanford, and Stephen Smith
The APM Reports/American Public Media


Education’s Broken Promise to Native Students
Kelly Field
The Chronicle of Higher Education


Higher-Ed Hustle
Michael Vasquez
The Miami Herald


Lower Education
Molly Hensley-Clancy
