Ronald Moskowitz Prize for Outstanding Beat Reporting

EWA’s annual Ronald D. Moskowitz Prize for Outstanding Beat Reporting celebrates the best education beat reporter in the country.

Photo credit: James Minichello of AASA for EWA

About the Moskowitz Prize

Each year, EWA judges designate one prize recipient from the winners of EWA’s three beat-reporting competitions: for small, medium-sized, and large newsrooms. The honor comes with a $2,500 cash award.

The Moskowitz prize,  first presented in 2015, was created by a bequest from the late California education journalist and EWA board member.

Moskowitz covered education for the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Francisco Examiner during his career. He also served as an education specialist in the administration of California Governor Edmund G. “Pat” Brown and staffed the formation of the Education Commission of the States.


Past Winners
