This is a transcript of EWA’s webinar “Data Privacy Rules and Ruses” and has been edited for length and clarity.
Mikhail Zinshteyn: Welcome everybody to today’s webinar, entitled Data Privacy Rules and Ruses. I’m Mikhail Zinshteyn of EWA and joining us is Frank LoMonte of the Student Press Law Center. For the next half hour, Frank will give us an in-depth look at the chief federal student data privacy law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Higher-ed reporters will also get the skinny on the Clery Act.
Thanks everyone for joining us. Frank, take it away.
Frank LoMonte: Thanks to you and EWA for putting this together and everybody on the line for joining us. I’ve talked to some of you individually and the Student Press Law Center certainly welcomes your questions as you’re encountering issues in your reporting with access to data because it’s a frequent question that be-devils the professional and the student media. You’ve got a collision between two things that we both like and we both think are important. We both like transparency and also like privacy. When those things come into collision, it’s tricky to resolve. We can sometimes be of help and we’re happy to do that.