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Career Prep

Today’s education reporters may often find themselves following students out of the classroom and into their first jobs. Though academic achievement remains paramount, high schools and colleges are putting greater focus on helping students navigate careers and ready themselves for work

Photo credit: Allison Shelley

More About Career Prep

CTE Explainer
Examine career and technical education closely, such as an expanded look into its origins, racial/gender disparities, teacher shortages, recruitment/retention efforts, and credentials.
CTE: Basic Education Reporting Tips
Charlotte West provides tips to help you get started on your next CTE story: Start with the data/research, look beyond college, realize that CTE isn’t always what you think it is, and examine trends
Newsroom Culture: Covering and Editing Diverse CTE Stories
Jason Gonzales discusses his experiences reporting on the intersection of CTE and race as a journalist of color and provides reporting tips.
History and Background: Career Prep
Twenty-first century career and technical education (CTE) bears no resemblance to the oft-derided “shop class” of decades past
Data/Research: Career Preparation
Decades of practice and history in workforce development and career education mean an endless trove of research for reporters to explore
3 Story Ideas: Career Prep
The relative newness of modern CTE means a wealth of coverage opportunities for education reporters, including local innovations
Glossary: Career Prep
The evolution of career and technical education has also meant the emergence of a new vocabulary
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