Data/Research: College Academics
Photo credit: Monster Ztudio/Adobe Stock
Photo credit: Monster Ztudio/Adobe Stock
American Educational Research Association: Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies Special Interest Group (A national research society focused on education)
Michael Bastedo, an education professor and director at the University of Michigan (Expertise: general history of higher ed.)
Gray Associates (The firm has data on demand for new academic programs. See Robert Atkins: Bob.Atkins@grayassociates.com.)
Cheryl Mango, a history and philosophy professor at Virginia State University.
(Expertise: the history of curricula at Historically Black Colleges and Universities)
John Thelin, author of A History of American Higher Education
For the history of what’s been studied at a single institution, check out:
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES): History: 120 Years of American Education: A Statistical Portrait, 1993 — tables 29 – 32 cover fields of study from 1959 to 1990.
Current Digest Tables from NCES, Chapter 3, sections 318–325.
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) monitors majors/fields of study. Find data on specific colleges. (See EWA’s how-to video on using the database.)
College Scorecard: Find data on earnings of those who earned credentials or degrees in each program. (View EWA’s how-to videos: Part I and Part II.)
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