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Adult Learners

Although adult learners are often assumed to be rarities on college campuses, adults have always been an important part of the student body. And as the job market increasingly demands workers with more postsecondary training and America faces the results of a “baby bust” starting in 2008, adult students have become crucial players in improving the economy and keeping colleges financially viable.

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More About Adult Learners

Data/Resources: Adult Students
These organizations, resources, and reports offer useful information and sources for reporting on the issues affecting adult students.
History and Background: Adult Students
In the U.S., the mass effort of providing post-secondary education to adults started with the land grant public college movement in 1862.
Adults at College: 8 Great Story ideas
8 great story ideas to inspire you!
Glossary: Adult Students
Following are some of the terms that come up in reporting on adult students.
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